Optimize your Blog

Written by Herianto
Administrator of NEWS
"If you copy my articles, please copy this part too"

What should you do after you create a blog? Maybe I like to give you some of term.

This word is connected to articles. So, here you can post and publish much articles. Also the articles must be match with your blog theme. If you won't to get bored, I suggest that your blog theme is something you like most.

Here you can build your blog physically. Just go to some of free template such : here, here, here, here, and here. To use that template, it probably can be upload at your blog account after you download the file. And the file extension is .XML for Blogger. Beside that, you can add more page element. Just practice by yourself there.

Thats many way to gain visitors. You can observe your blog visitors by sign up to ExtremeTracking. Below I give you some terms and some ways to gain more visitor.
1. Authority, do link exchange. You can check your authority by sign up to Technorati.
2. SEO (Search Engine Optimization), write and publish much articles. You can check this by sign up to HitTail.
3. Leave your blog URL track to some of message boxes.
4. Join community sites. For examples : MyBlogLog, SpicyPage, Yahoo!Group, and more.
5. Tell your blog to friends via forums, e-mails, and chat services.

PR (Page Rank)
The mark is from 0 (zero) until 10 (ten). This can be your spirit to improve your blog. You can check your blog PR at prchecker.info and this site is own by Google. And Google do update PR every 3 (three) month.

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